About us

We seek to cultivate a positive and inclusive environment that values mental health, social emotional wellbeing and personal growth.

Our Team

  • Hannah Oldknow

    Hannah has spent over 15 years in technology building useful products before launching Happy Sad to educate kids & support the world’s first ‘Mental Health Report Card.’ She owns over 40 hats!

  • Kate Saker

    Kate has managed a UX agency for over 18 years and has released over 15 apps, giving her great insight into what delights people at every age. Her favorite drink to order is ice cold milk.

  • Will

    CTO, Advisor
    Will loves building. He has an MA in AI & 15 years in the BI / analytics business. He loves making tools easy-to-use for teachers & schools. When he’s not busy, he’s jamming on his guitar.

  • Melissa Boldt

    Head of Digital Marketing

    Melissa brings 10 years of product marketing experience to the team and supports us with all things social & digital.

  • Reed Felder

    Masters Student & Part Time Teacher

    Reed is a wealth of knowledge and supports our team with research, insights into student and teacher experiences and brining the fun!

Advisory Board

  • David Zeitler

    Chief Resident Psychologist
    David is a developmental psychologist who supports our team as we consider the unique experience of students across every age.

  • Lindsey Newton

    CFO Advisor
    Lindsey has been a tech CFO for 15+ years with experience in scaled B2C & B2B companies.

  • Jim Sherlock

    Chief Education Expert
    Jim has 18 years experience at Pearson Education and advises our team on product, education and sector insights. He’s also the CoFounder of a cool company, CyberCade.

  • Mike Baur

    CSO Advisor

    Mike brings 20 years of education and technology experience to our team & helps us build better products for educators. He loves a tasty #PSL.

Teachers Using Happy Sad

  • LA Unified

  • Houston Independent School District

  • Columbus City School District

  • Camden City School District

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the fun?